About this Language Chat

You might not know it yet, but you’re about to get very enthusiastic about linguistics.

lauren Gawne & gretchen Mcculloch, hosts of lingthusiasm

lauren Gawne & gretchen Mcculloch, hosts of lingthusiasm

Yes, that’s right! The science of language and communication is fascinating and we recently had the pleasure of chatting with Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne, hosts of Lingthusiasm, a podcast that’s enthusiastic about linguistics. We talk about what linguistics is, why it is so interesting and relevant (especially to those who love learning other languages!), whether we should all learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), and more.

Through their podcast and a number of other projects, Gretchen and Lauren make linguistics so accessible, interesting and fun that you can’t help but wonder if you made a terrible life decision if you didn’t study linguistics at university. But never fear - if you haven’t studied linguistics before, you haven’t missed the boat! See more in the links below about how they are helping everyone to learn more and get as enthusiastic about linguistics as they are.

Episode Links

Episode published: 15 Feb 2021