About this Language Chat

From the Quebecois accent to the Southern Vietnamese accent, both Bec and Penny have had experiences of struggling with accents or feeling proud of their accent in their second language. In this episode, we ask if accents matter, or is the main goal actually just comprehension?  

In this episode, we’ve done something a bit different and put some questions out to our Language Lovers AU Community Facebook group about accents and language learning and got some amazing responses back.

Thanks to all of our contributors for this episode of Language Chats: Andrea, Maddy, Evan, Hồng, Margaux, Paul, Karla, Christopher, Monica, Liz, Kerri, Kat and Anna.

What are your experiences of accents in your language learning? Let us know! And don’t forget to join our Facebook group to be part of future discussions just like this.

Be proud of your accent and the story that it tells!

Episode Links

Episode published: 28 Sept 2020